Connecting Students to Careers, Professionals to Communities and Communities to Better Health
Winter 2017
News from the Western Regional Center
On Friday, November 18, the College of Health and Human Services at WMU and the Western Regional Center AHEC, welcomed 200 high school students from west Michigan HOSA chapters.
Northern Lower Regional Center Update
The Northern Lower Regional Center AHEC has worked with Dr. Margit Chadwell, Director, Family Medicine & Continuity Clinic Clerkship YR III, Wayne State University School of Medicine, to finalize an arrangement with...
Southeast Regional Center Update
Biomedical Career Advancement Program
This program will provide high school students with the opportunity to gain the technical skills needed to work in a research lab, obtain hands-on...
Michigan AHEC
Michigan AHEC is funded by the U.S. Health Resources and Services Administration (Grant # U77HP26582) and Wayne State University 4201 St. Antoine, Suite 9A, UHC Box 325, Detroit, MI 48201 | Tel: (313) 577-5161 miahec.wayne.edu | miachec@wayne.edu