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College of Liberal Arts and Sciences - Wayne State University

FDR was the Best: The Best of His Generation in dealing with the Holocaust, the Best of His Successors in Dealing with Genocide; but That is No Compliment!

Dr. Michael Berenbaum

Free Admission – Seating Limited

RSVP required:
By phone: 313-577-2679


3 p.m., Sunday, May 15, 2016


Holocaust Memorial Center
Zekelman Family Campus
28123 Orchard Lake Road
Farmington Hills, MI 48334


This talk will reevaluate the role of Franklin Delano Roosevelt in years leading up to the Holocaust and in the years when Germany was perpetrating the War Against the Jews. It will consider his actions in relationship to the other issues that were pressing on the Presidential agenda and in relationship to the political, economic and war agenda. It will also consider FDR’s role in relationship to other contemporary world leaders and in dialogue with the actions of American Presidents in the face of genocide. Among the issues to be addressed are the Bombing of Auschwitz question about which the lecturer has edited a book, Zionism and antisemitism as well as the scope of the economic crisis, the events leading up to the war, the war itself and the Presidential election season. It will be a timely and provocative consideration and reconsideration of FDR.


Wayne State University’s College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Guy Stern Endowment in Exile and Holocaust Studies
Holocaust Memorial Center Zekelman Family Campus
MASCO Corporation Foundation
PNC Foundation
Detroit Jewish News
Cohn-Haddow Center for Judaic Studies
Hillel of Metropolitan Detroit


Through his career, Michael Berenbaum has worked to ensure the world never forgets the Holocaust or the lessons learned from it.
Berenbaum is director of the Sigi Ziering Institute at the American Jewish University, where he is a professor of Jewish Studies. He was previously president and CEO of the Survivors of the Shoah Visual History Foundation and director of the United States Holocaust Research Institute at the U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum, which he helped create. He has been involved with the development of Holocaust museums and memorial centers in Illinois, Mexico City, Philadelphia, Macedonia, New York, Arizona, Texas and at Belzec.
Berenbaum is the author and editor of 20 books, and hundreds of scholarly articles and journalistic pieces. He was executive editor of the second edition of Encylopaedia Judaica and co-produced award-winning films One Survivor Remembers: The Gerda Weissman Klein Story (Academy, Emmy and Cable Ace Awards) and The Last Days (Academy Award). He holds numerous degrees and a Ph.D. from Florida State University. He is married and a father of four.

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