Dear campus community,
Yesterday evening, one of our Wayne State University Police officers was shot while in the line of duty. He was working off campus at the time. A suspect in the shooting has been apprehended and positively identified by two eye witnesses.
The officer’s name is Collin Rose, and he remains in critical condition. He is a member of our canine unit, and has been a member of Wayne State’s police force for five years. But he is more than that. Collin is 29 years old and engaged to be married. He has a fiancée, family and friends, and fellow officers who work with him every day. He is part of our Wayne State community, and we will be here to support him and his family during this difficult time. Please keep Collin in your thoughts and prayers.
Please keep all our police officers in your thoughts as well. No Wayne State police officer has ever died in the line of duty, and it has been 36 years since an officer was wounded by gunfire. These dedicated, professional men and women serve us courageously, and we owe them our gratitude and support.

M. Roy Wilson