The Gordon Grosscup Museum of Anthropology at Wayne State University in Detroit, Michigan cordially invites you to attend the Midwest Conference on Mesoamerican Archaeology and Ethnohistory, March 10–11, 2017.
2nd conference announcement – send abstracts and make hotel arrangements ASAP!
The MCMAE conference is a premier venue for scholars in the U.S. and Canada to showcase fieldwork, analyses and interpretations of research in Mexico and Central America. The conference highlights work by archaeologists, art historians, ethnographers and allied scholars.
This year’s conference in Detroit celebrates the MCMAE’s 40th Anniversary! Professor Emeritus Barbara S. Stark of Arizona State University will kick off the Conference on Friday night March 10 with a keynote address—followed by a reception for presenters and participants. Professor Christopher Pool of the University of Kentucky will conclude the Conference on Saturday with comments on the presentations, followed by dinner at one of the many fine restaurants located near campus.
If you would like to propose a presentation for the sessions on Saturday, March 11, please submit title, abstract (250-word maximum), name, institutional affiliation and address (including e-mail) by February 1.
For more information, visit: go.wayne.edu/mesoconference
Thomas W. Killion
Associate Professor, Department of Anthropology
Wayne State University