Graduate School - Wayne State University

Wayne State University recently unveiled the Postdoctoral to Faculty Transition Fellowship (PFT) program, a major initiative to encourage promising scholars studying urban disparities to launch their academic careers at our institution.

The goal is to build a pool of early-career, urban-disparity scholars who will contribute to diversity and bolster academic excellence in keeping with Wayne State's mission and strategic plan. We are currently accepting applications for the program from recent or upcoming Ph.D. graduates for three-year appointments beginning Sept. 1, 2017. 

We are also looking for faculty mentors for our first cohort of PFT fellows.

As a funded WSU researcher, we strongly encourage you to consider mentoring a fellow.  In this role, you will be expected to take an active role in helping a fellow plan and achieve research goals, assisting a fellow in establishing a visible presence in the department, and facilitating opportunities for the fellow to participate in national and international research conferences. 

Please click on the yellow box below for program information, FAQs and an on-line mentor application form.

Applications for faculty mentors and PFT fellows must be submitted on-line by 5 p.m. Saturday, April 15. 

Please see the yellow box below for further information on the PFT program.

PFT program info

For more information, please email Associate Provost for Scientific Training, Workforce Development and Diversity and Graduate School Dean Ambika Mathur at

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