July 2024 - Wayne State University
Student-focused news for family and friends
From job fairs to professional paths: A look inside Wayne State’s Career Services

From job fairs to professional paths: A look inside Wayne State’s Career Services

At Wayne State University, Career Services does more than fill job vacancies. It fuels aspirations, guides career paths and transforms students into professionals ready to conquer the world. The department also offers personalized career counseling, professional development workshops, career planning, internship opportunities, and expansive job fairs and networking events. Each initiative is designed to cater to the distinct needs of students, alumni, employers and the broader community, ensuring a seamless connection between academic achievements and career ambitions.  

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Midtown to Motor City: Wayne State as driving force in the community, Hamtramck Historical Museum  

Midtown, home of Wayne State University, has been the constant center of Detroit’s cultural and historical scene since the university’s founding in 1868. A hub for community involvement and discovery — for students, educators and these local cultural institutions — this symbiotic relationship between Wayne State and some of the city’s most iconic institutions serves not only Detroit, but also Wayne State’s students. One such example of this mutual benefit in action is the relationship between the Hamtramck Historical Museum (HHM) and the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences.    

Communication alumnus uses learning-by-doing experiences to launch broadcasting dream  

From a behind-the-scenes tour of Detroit’s annual Thanksgiving Day game to working for an internationally known author, journalist and radio host, Wayne State University alumnus Ronnie Martin is living his dream. Martin, who graduated this spring from the College of Fine, Performing and Communication Arts, capitalized on his learning-by-doing opportunities, morphing internships into a job offer at WJR 760 AM.

Attend upcoming FASFA events

Attend upcoming FASFA events

Registration open for fall classes

Upcoming events


July. 1-Aug. 20: Fall priority registration


July 8: Career Services In-Person Drop-In


July 5: Drop-in Transfer Advising for Henry Ford College Students


July 9: Student Financial Wellness Workshop


July 10: Wayne State University Mike Ilitch School of Business Graduate Programs Information Session


July 10: Virtual Q&A Session: RN to BSN College of Nursing Program


July 11: Goal Setting to Achieve Success


July 31: Coworking Drop-in Day


Student resources and reminders

Office of Student Financial Aid

Campus Health Center

Career Services

Get Involved

Office of Multicultural Student Engagement

Housing & Residential Life

In the news

Wayne State program helps moms, dads get mental health help

Wayne State committed to giving Detroit high schoolers chance at college experience

Opinion: Michigan's universities are embracing AI as next research frontier

Q&A: WSU president talks grad rates, college to career pipeline

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Detroit, MI 48202

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