Sept-Oct 2020 - Wayne State University
Sept-Oct 2020

From your DIO

GME's Achievements for 2019-20

GME's Achievements for 2019-20

I am happy to report that the Office of Graduate Medical Education has concluded another year of significant academic accomplishments and educational achievements, even in the midst of a global pandemic that emerged halfway through that year. This national emergency presented unprecedented challenges in the provision of medical treatment and the continuation of resident training. Those impacted by the coronavirus were well served by a dedicated healthcare workforce who strove to put the delivery of optimal patient care first, under often trying circumstances and while occupying a complex role as both learner and provider.

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GME News and Announcements

2020-21 GME Resident and Core Faculty Surveys available soon - Your input is critical


The annual GME Resident and Core Faculty Surveys will be open in New Innovations starting around Oct. 31, with a two-week window for completion. Everyone will be sent an email shortly about how to access the evaluation once it’s available in NI.  Faculty and resident responses provide us with crucial information on program quality and institutional support. They also supply GME and our programs with valuable data that’s used to put the ACGME survey responses into context. We’d like to achieve a 100% response rate. As an incentive, after we receive the first 20 responses, GME will randomly select 5 completers to receive a WSU School of Medicine T-shirt!

GME Academic Boot Camps, 2020-21


GME will be holding all ABCs as Zoom meetings in 2020-21. The next will be held on Tuesday, January 12 from noon to 3, and then on Friday, April 16 from 3-6 pm. The seminars are conducted by Dr. Brent Stansfield, Director of Education. Both DART (for residents) and DEFT (for faculty) projects can lead to sustainable improvements to our programs' curricula and may also result in a conference presentation or publishable manuscript. Attendees might pursue projects that address the impact of the coronavirus pandemic on their area of training. More information about and links to register for the DART program will be found here and for the DEFT program here.

2020-21 Seed Grant applications now being accepted


WSUGME is now accepting Seed Grant applications for 2020-21. There are separate applications for Research projects and QI projects. Prospective applicants are welcome to send materials in advance of the deadline for review by GME staff. Click here to access the Seed Grant webpage with full details and the applications. Questions? Contact Dr. Kenaga, Research Coordinator, at hkenaga@med.wayne.edu

Revised ERAS residency timeline, NRMP schedule changes  

See these important announcements concerning revised ERAS residency timeline and NRMP schedule changes. USMLE Step 2 CS testing has been delayed for 12-18 months.

AAMC call for stories from healthcare workers  

The Association of American Medical Colleges (AAMC) is seeking oral and 55-word stories for collaborative listening and story-sharing that explore the lived experiences of the healthcare workforce. The AAMC is seeking a diverse range of voices and perspectives from the entire academic medicine community - from pre-meds to faculty, clinicians, and educators - to honor and chronicle this community during an unprecedented time. Submissions will be accepted on an ongoing basis. For more information, click here.


Resident Council News

Resident Council meetings - Next is Oct. 13 (this evening)  

The next Resident Council meeting will be held on Tuesday, Oct. 13, from 6:30-7:30 pm. Here's a message from RC President Ben Maynard. The RC meets monthly on the second Tuesday of each month via MSTeams.

Confidential concern reporting  

The Resident Council would like to remind all incoming and current residents that GME hosts a page for confidential concern reporting


Hats Off

Anesthesiology residents, faculty have publication, presentation accepted


Residents Andrew Resnick, Michael Chait, Program Director Sandeep Krishnan, and faculty member Steven Landau have had an article accepted for publication in the Wolters Kluwer journal Medicine entitled "Erector Spinae Plane Block with Catheter for Management of Percutaneous Nephrolithotomy: A Three Case Report." In addition, Dr. Resnick and Anesthesiology faculty member Joffer Hakim have had a poster presentation on "Emergent Tracheostomy after Expanding Neck Hematoma Following Central Venous Catherization for Transcatheter Aortic Valve Replacement" accepted for the 2020 Annual Meeting of the American Society of Anesthesiologists.  Well done!

Internal Medicine has multiple posters, oral presentations, abstracts accepted for fall 2020


Internal Medicine continues its impressive tradition of active engagement in research activities. IM residents and faculty advisors have had multiple posters, oral presentations, and abstracts accepted for [virtual] conferences, both regional and national, in the fall of 2020:  at the American College of Physicians' Michigan chapter meeting (Oct. 15-18), the CHEST National meeting (Oct. 18-21), the Society for General Internal Medicine Midwest annual meeting (Oct. 22-23), and the American Heart Association annual meeting (Nov. 13-17). Here's a list of presenters and titles. Outstanding! 

Faculty members Salieha Zaheer, Tess McCready named FAAFP Fellows


At the 2020 Michigan Academy of Family Physicians' Annual Meeting, two members of the WSUGME Family Medicine faculty were made Fellows:  Clinical Associate Professor Tess McCready and Clinical Assistant Professor Salieha Zaheer. Congratulations!

WSUGME faculty recognized as Top Docs by Detroit's HOUR magazine


Two of our Program Directors, Steven Daveluy (Dermatology) and Steven Lucas (Urology), were named as 2020 Top Docs by Detroit's HOUR magazine.  Other GME faculty were named as Top Docs: Salieha Zaheer (Family Medicine), Michael Cher (Chair, Urology), Ho-Sheng Lin (Chair, Otolaryngology), and Otolaryngology faculty Michael Carron, Adam Folbe, Nathan Gonik, Mallory O'Niel, Syed Raza, Bianca Siegel, and George Yoo. The complete list, published in the October 2020 HOUR magazine, is based on a peer-review survey of approximately 23,000 physicians in metropolitan Detroit.  Kudos to all!

GME assistance with manuscripts or publication process


Just a reminder that GME is happy to offer any faculty or resident assistance in the preparation of a poster or abstracts for submission to academic conferences or review of a manuscript. Contact Research Coordinator Heidi Kenaga at 313 577 0671 or email hkenaga@med.wayne.edu


Promoting Resident Wellness

Employee Assistance Program (EAP)  

The WSU Employee Assistance Program (EAP) provided by Ulliance is available to all residents, faculty, and staff at no cost. It's confidential and available to you, your partner, and your dependents. To reach an advisor immediately, you may call 1-800-448-8326. Click here for the link to the Ulliance Life Advisor Resource Center website log-in page. To log in, enter "Wayne State University" as the name of your employer and "Detroit" as the City of Employment. The website provides more detailed information about the services included in EAP and how to access them. 

WSU Dept. of Psychiatry's Warriors Strong Together program  

Click here for more information on Warriors Strong Together, a program offered by the Dept. of Psychiatry and Behavioral Neurosciences that provides free assistance for all members of the WSU community who may be experiencing difficulties coping with the demands of the COVID-19 pandemic. As an added convenience, the services are available by telephone or videoconferencing per the caller’s preference.

Journaling as means to deal with stress and anxiety and provide a valuable document of the times  

According to a recent issue of the Ulliance Wellness newsletter, writing in a journal can be a useful strategy for dealing with stress and anxiety. In addition, these are historic times well worth chronicling. According to psychotherapist Kathleen Dahlen deVos, "Documenting this moment in history may help us find and create meaning in the fear and grief" we may be experiencing. Read the full article in HuffPost about starting and maintaining a journal practice.

Upcoming Events


WSUSOM Med Education and Innovation Conference, Dec. 8


Upcoming Deadlines

2021-2023 Jeremiah A. Barondess Fellowship in the Clinical Transaction

Research Resources

JGME: Call for New Ideas abstracts, due Nov. 2
Shiffman Library: Online research and teaching support services
StatPearls: A publishing venue for faculty and residents
PRiMER: New publication for Family Medicine research
Don't have an ORCiD yet - ? Set one up here

Professional Development

Leading the Rounds: WSUSOM podcast about leadership in medicine
2020-21 SEMCME Faculty Development Series: Self-Directed Learning
WSUSOM Group on Women in Medicine and Science (GWIMS)
Learn more about science and public policy in the D: Science Policy Network Detroit
WSU's professional development toolkit: Accelerate courses (all online!)
Earn CME credit with AMA Ed Hub courses

Nota Bene

Karmanos Health Equity Book Club event, Oct. 22
Resident mentorship opportunities with WSUSOM students
MSMS offering free webinars on COVID-19
Join the Michigan State Medical Society: Resident and Fellows Section

Resident Spotlight

Haria Henry (FM-UT), MIDOCS Advisory Council member

Faculty Spotlight

Steven Landau, clinical faculty, Anesthesiology

Alumni News

Taryn Huizenga joins Walk-In Dermatology in New York
Philip Riley (Family Med) wins Simmons-Sherr award


WSUSOM Alumni Affairs
WSUSOM Inclusion, Diversity, Equity and Access
American Medical Association

Graduate Medical Education Office

Scott Hall Room 4374
540 E. Canfield
Detroit, MI 48201
Phone: 313-577-0714
Contact Us