Nov-Dec 2020 - Wayne State University
Nov-Dec 2020

From your DIO

GME presents 2019-2020 Annual Institutional Review at October GMEC meeting

GME presents 2019-2020 Annual Institutional Review at October GMEC meeting

On October 27, GME held its Annual Institutional Review (AIR) at the Graduate Medical Education Council meeting, attended by program directors, program coordinators, hospital leadership, members of the Resident Council, and GME staff. As in the past, the AIR provided program leadership with a summary of GME's institutional goals and achievements for the 2019-2020 AY and a preview of ongoing and new goals for 2020-2021. All participants conducted a SWOT (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats) analysis of the GME enterprise. Although the pandemic changed the course of GME activities as we shifted from in-person to online administration, I am happy to report that we accomplished most of our institutional goals and objectives for the 2019-2020 AY. Please read our Executive Summary for more details.

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GME News and Announcements

From the GME staff: Best wishes for a happy, safe holiday season


We would like to wish the entire GME community all best wishes for a happy and hopeful holiday season. Given the current situation, you may not be with family and friends as you have in the past, but we encourage everyone to pursue the safest options for sharing and celebrating with those you love. And thank you all again for your hard work and dedication to providing the best in patient care. Here’s to a better 2021!   Senior Associate Dean and DIO Dr. Tsveti Markova, Director of Education Brent Stansfield, Administrative Director Martha Jordan, and Research Coordinator Heidi Kenaga

Revised ERAS residency timeline, NRMP schedule changes  

See these important announcements concerning revised ERAS residency timeline and NRMP schedule changes. USMLE Step 2 CS testing has been delayed for 12-18 months.

Academic Boot Camps (ABCs) for Winter and Spring 2021


GME will be holding all ABCs as Zoom meetings in 2020-21. The next will be held on Tuesday, January 12 from noon to 3, and then on Friday, April 16 from 3-6 pm. The seminars are conducted by Dr. Brent Stansfield, Director of Education. Both DART (for residents) and DEFT (for faculty) projects can lead to sustainable improvements to our programs' curricula and may also result in a conference presentation or publishable manuscript. More information about and links to register for the DART program will be found here and for the DEFT program here.  

2019-20 DART Program Certificate awardees


Congratulations to this past year's DART Program certificate awardees: Elliot Harmon (Anesthesiology) for his project "Curriculum for Echocardiography (TTE and TEE) Rotation"; to Lisa Bedford, Reema Habra, and Sarah Utz (Dermatology) for their project "Improvement in Dermatology Program Book Club Presentations"; and to Ben Maynard (Family Medicine) for his project "Teaching Health Disparities."

Health Disparities curriculum for GME programs, 2021


Following the mission of Wayne State University, the School of Medicine, and ACGME mandates, GME residency programs will begin to incorporate health disparities (HD) education as a component of residency training during the next academic year. To assist in this process, GME has created a HD Task Force, which has developed a White Paper with recommendations for establishing key elements of a residency HD curriculum (didactic sessions, online training, research projects, etc.). Initially, the Task Force membership comprised faculty and resident representatives from the Internal Medicine and Family Medicine programs since they have had ongoing HD initiatives and could provide models for and invaluable insights about HD training. GME would like to engage all program leadership in this effort and encourages faculty and residents in Anesthesiology, Dermatology, Otolaryngology, and Urology with an interest in HD residency training (“HD Champions”) to contact Dr. Heidi Kenaga, Chair of the HD Task Force, at hkenaga@med.wayne.edu. The next HD Task Force meeting is scheduled for 11 am, Friday, Jan 15, 2021, via Zoom.

GME resident and faculty surveys: Thank you!


GME would like to thank everyone for completing the Resident and Core Faculty Surveys. Your responses provide us with crucial information on program quality and institutional support and also supply GME and our programs with valuable data that’s used to put the ACGME survey responses into context. Your Program Director and program PEC also use the information to make changes and improvements in your residency program during the Annual Program Evaluation process. Here are the T-shirt winners: Victoria Prince (Family Medicine) Ankita Aggarwal (Internal Medicine), Peter Paik (Anesthesiology), Lisa Bedford (Dermatology), John Schwabe (Urology), Jae Choi (Anesthesiology), Victoria Gonzalez (Internal Medicine), and Bennett Osantowski (Transitional Year). If you haven't contacted Martha Jordan about your T-shirt size, please do so as soon as possible.  

2020-21 Seed Grant applications now being accepted


WSUGME is now accepting Seed Grant applications for 2020-21. There are separate applications for Research projects and QI projects. Prospective applicants are welcome to send materials in advance of the deadline for feedback by GME staff. Click here to access the Seed Grant webpage with full details and the applications. Questions? Contact Dr. Kenaga, Research Coordinator, at hkenaga@med.wayne.edu


Resident Council News

The RC announces 2021 Professional Development Symposium


The next meeting of the Resident Council will be held on January 12, from 6:30-7:30 pm. All residents and fellows are welcome. Topics include plans for the second annual Professional Development Symposium, now to be held as a virtual event on the evening of April 13. Click here for a message from RC President, Ben Maynard. The RC meets monthly on the second Tuesday of each month via MS Teams.

Confidential reporting of issues, misconduct, or professional concerns


The Resident Council would like to remind all incoming and current residents that GME hosts a page for confidential reporting of issues, misconduct, or professional concerns.


Hats Off

Derm resident Lisa Bedford co-authors two articles


Lisa Bedford has had two articles accepted for publication, co-authored with GME faculty:  (1) MJ Adelman, LM Bedford, G Potts, "Clinical efficacy of popular oral hair growth supplement ingredients" in the International Journal of Dermatology; and (2) L Horton, LM Bedford, S Daveluy, "Acrokeratosis paraneoplastica (Bazex syndrome) as the presenting sign of pancreatic adenocarcinoma" in the British Medical Journal Case Reports. Steve Daveluy is the Program Director in Dermatology and Geoffrey Potts the Associate Program Director.  Congratulations!

Mehdi Farshchian publishes in dermatology journal


Mehdi Farshchian co-authored an article with Lindsay Sklar on "The Pinch Stitch: A Pearl for Suturing Wounds Under Tension," which was just published in the Journal of Drugs in Dermatology. Well done!  

Correction to SGIM Midwest co-authors


In the Sept-Oct issue of Residency Times, the co-authors of a published abstract and poster presentation, "Topiramate: A Culprit in Mixed Renal Tubular Acidosis" for SGIM Midwest should have included IM resident Raashi Chawla and faculty advisor Zain Kulairi in addition to the first author, Bernadette Schmidt. Mea culpa.    

GME assistance with manuscripts or publication process


Just a reminder that WSUGME is happy to offer any faculty or resident assistance in the preparation of a poster or abstracts for submission to academic conferences or review of a manuscript. Contact Research Coordinator Heidi Kenaga at 313 577 0671 or email hkenaga@med.wayne.edu


Promoting Resident Wellness

Employee Assistance Program (EAP)  

The WSU Employee Assistance Program (EAP) provided by Ulliance is available to all residents, faculty, and staff at no cost. It's confidential and available to you, your partner, and your dependents. To reach an advisor immediately, you may call 1-800-448-8326. Click here for the link to the Ulliance Life Advisor Resource Center website log-in page. To log in, enter "Wayne State University" as the name of your employer and "Detroit" as the City of Employment. The website provides more detailed information about the services included in EAP and how to access them. 

Dept. of Psychiatry's Warriors Strong Together program  

Click here for more information on Warriors Strong Together, a program offered by the Dept. of Psychiatry and Behavioral Neurosciences that provides free assistance for all members of the WSU community who may be experiencing difficulties coping with the demands of the COVID-19 pandemic. As an added convenience, the services are available by telephone or videoconferencing per the caller’s preference.

Upcoming Events


New Global Health Practitioner Speaker Series, 2021


Upcoming Deadlines

2021-23 Jeremiah A. Barondess Fellowship in the Clinical Transaction

Research Resources

Shiffman Library: Online research and teaching support services
StatPearls: A publishing venue for faculty and residents
PRiMER: New publication for Family Medicine research
Don't have an ORCiD yet - ? Set one up here

Professional Development

SEMCME offers faculty development workshops (virtually) in 2021
Leading the Rounds: WSUSOM podcast about leadership in medicine
Learn more about science and public policy in the D: Science Policy Network Detroit
WSUSOM Group on Women in Medicine and Science (GWIMS)
WSU's professional development toolkit: Accelerate courses (all online!)
Professionalism in a Virtual World - Accelerate series
Earn CME credit with AMA Ed Hub courses

Nota Bene

Resident mentorship opportunities with WSUSOM
Join the Michigan State Medical Society: Resident and Fellows Section

Resident Spotlight

Jurgena Tusha, MD (Internal Medicine): Research on the MuLBSTA Score

Faculty Spotlight

Eleanor King, MD (Family Medicine) and Vesna Tegeltija, MD (Internal Medicine): Professionalism initiatives at APRH


WSUSOM Alumni Affairs
WSUSOM Inclusion, Diversity, Equity and Access
American Medical Association

Graduate Medical Education Office

Scott Hall Room 4374
540 E. Canfield
Detroit, MI 48201
Phone: 313-577-0714
Contact Us