Wayne State University - School of Social Work
November 2019: Social Work Faculty Publication Highlights

At the Wayne State University School of Social Work, we develop social work practitioners, conduct research, and foster community engagement focused on urban communities. This commitment results in quality research and publications that pay special attention to social, economic and environmental justice issues. Below you will find a selection of recently published journal articles, books and book chapters from our faculty and staff striving to fulfill this vision and Empower Social Change In Detroit. We encourage you to take a moment and learn more about the cutting-edge research taking place here in the School of Social Work and it's impact on our community. For additional information on our research endeavors visit the Center for Social Work Research website


Journal Covers

Assistant Professor Jason Carbone, et al.

Homicidal Ideation and Forensic Psychopathology: Evidence from the 2016 Nationwide Emergency Departmental Sample (NEDS)” in Psychiatry & Behavioral Science

Assistant Professor Jason Carbone, et al.

Reconsidering Collective Efficacy: The Roles of Perceptions of Community and Strong Social Ties” in City & Community

Associate Professor Jun Sung Hong, et al.

Identifying Protective Factors that Potentially Buffer the Association between Peer Victimization and Weapon-Carrying Behavior among US Adolescents” in the Journal of the Society for Social Work and Research

Associate Professor Jun Sung Hong, et al. 

Peer Victimization, Internalizing Problems, and Substance Use in Urban African American Adolescents in Chicago: The Relevance of the Self-Medication Hypothesis” in Violence and Victims

Associate Professor Jun Sung Hong and Academic Services Officer Shantalea Johns, et al. 

"Peer Victimization and Illicit Drug Use Among African American Adolescents in Chicago: The Moderating Effects of Religious Affiliation" in the Journal of the Society for Social Work and Research

Associate Professor Kim Jaffee, et al.

Gynecologic Health Care Providers’ Willingness to Provide Routine Care and Papanicolaou Tests for Transmasculine Individuals” in the Journal of Women’s Health

Associate Professor Richard Smith, et al.

Ecosocial Work and Social Change in Community Practice” in the Journal of Community Practice


Book Covers

Distinguished Professor Jerrold Brandell

Trauma: Contemporary Directions in Trauma Theory, Research, and Practice (2nd ed.)

Associate Professor Anthony González-Prendes and Graduate Research Assistant Caitlin Cassady

Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy and Social Work Practice” in M. Payne & E. Reith Hall (Eds.), The Routledge Handbook of Social Work Theory

Associate Professor Michael Kral

The Idea of Suicide: Contagion, Imitation, and Cultural Diffusion

Associate Professor Michael Kral

The Return of the Sun: Suicide and Reclamation among Inuit of Arctic Canada

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