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Finance and Business Operations - Wayne State University

Dear Wayne State students, faculty, and staff: 
As the Interim Senior Vice President for Business Affairs, I am responsible for campus safety and university operations. I am writing today to share some information about events that occurred during the Board of Governors public meeting on Friday, April 26.  

Our core values at Wayne State University -- collaboration, integrity, innovation, diversity, and leadership -- are cornerstones to the way we work as a campus. These principles guide us every day as a community. As an urban public research university, freedom of speech, and the right to gather, are integral to our commitment to these values. We respect the rights of all members of our WSU community, regardless of viewpoint, to express their views in appropriate times and places. 

During the April 26 meeting, more than a dozen public comment speakers exemplified our values and provided robust remarks about important topics. After transitioning to the business portion of the meeting, a group of protesters inside the crowded room locked their arms and announced, via a megaphone, that they were taking control of the meeting. Their actions halted the meeting and prevented it from continuing. 

At the same time, additional protesters locked their arms outside the room to block the only two exits. For a short time, no one was able to leave the room. Recognizing a real threat to the safety of everyone there, WSUPD approached the protesters, identified themselves as police, asked the protesters to leave, and ultimately removed them from the room. 

It is important not to escalate uncertain and rapidly developing situations. Recognizing the unsafe situation, most individuals who were not involved remained quiet during the disturbance to allow WSUPD to resolve the situation safely. 

The protesters included students, faculty, and others from outside the WSU community. No WSU students were arrested or punished because of this event. One protester, who is not affiliated with WSU, was briefly detained, cited, and released. 

Regardless of viewpoint, we will continue to support the free speech of everyone in our community. At the same time, we are also responsible for ensuring the safety of our campus and our ability to carry out normal operations. We will appropriately respond to conduct that threatens safety or disrupts operations. 

We continue to be proud of our WSU community for a campus culture that is welcoming, supportive, and inclusive. Thank you for everything you do to make WSU an excellent and special place to teach, to learn, and to inspire. 

Bethany Gielczyk 
Interim Senior Vice President for Business Affairs,
CFO and Treasurer