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Office of the Provost - Wayne State University

Welcome to the Semester

a hot beverage in a white ceramic mug with the word BEGIN sits on a wooden table

When talking to folks over the past year, one of the most significant themes that surfaced is how different everyone’s experiences have been as a result of the pandemic. Unfortunately, some of these conversations included devastating experiences of hardship, some have been amazing stories of joy, and others come somewhere in-between. I am honored that so many have shared parts of their stories; it means a great deal.

I mention this because as we start a new academic year, some of us might be feeling uncertain of what’s to come. I wish I had answers for everyone, but I do not. What I can offer is support, and a kind, listening ear. I can also share that the faculty development team has worked hard to update our programming and resources and provide relevant, real-time development opportunities to help you be successful and meet your goals for 2021-22. See below for a preview of some of these resources, and be on the lookout for more from our office monthly. 

As we all gradually return to in-person, I’ve truly enjoyed seeing some of you who I haven’t seen for over a year, as well as meeting those new to campus. If we haven’t met yet, please reach out; I’d love to connect.
On behalf of our office, welcome to Fall 2021!

Sara E. Kacin, PhD
Assistant Provost, Faculty Development & Faculty Success

A new hub for information, built for faculty, by faculty

Last year, MaryAnne Stewart, assistant professor (clinical) of clinical laboratory sciences in the Eugene Applebaum College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences researched and designed a new WSU Faculty Resources webpage as part of her Academic Leadership Academy leadership project. Thanks to the efforts of MaryAnne and her team, that page is now live on the provost's office website; be sure to check it out, and thank MaryAnne if you see her around campus. Many thanks from us, MaryAnne!

Coming up this semester

NCFDD Every Semester Needs a Plan | Sept. 24, 9:00 a.m.

Participants will leave this workshop with a clear assessment and plan that includes realistic goals and expectations, clear milestones to assess achievement, and tips on how to re-evaluate as the semester progresses. Join Associate Professor of Nursing Debra Schutte as she covers this popular NCFDD webinar with WSU faculty and academic staff! RSVP for this workshop.

Check out our website for more upcoming professional development programming.

Resources to help you succeed

Don't forget, our institutional membership in the National Center for Faculty Development and Diversity (NCFDD) is open to anyone with a email address. Follow our instructions to activate your free institutional membership, and check out their excellent programming to increase writing productivity, establish and maintain work-life balance, create broad networks of collegial support on their campus, and more! We'll highlight some of their webinars in future newsletters; sign up now so that you'll be ready to jump in.

NCFDD logo

As the semester ramps up, make time for yourselfthe word breathe spelled out in neon lights amide green leaves

There are a lot of demands on your time, we know. But we're also sure that you won't regret remembering to set time aside each day to check in with yourself and step away from stressors. Have a hot beverage while NOT simultaneously checking email, take a quick walk, simply sit and be contemplative, drink some water, whatever it takes to switch off and recharge. Check out some more Self-Care Strategies for Faculty from Inside Higher Ed.

Stay in touch!

Follow us on Twitter, and don't hesitate to contact our office with questions.