Dear campus community,
Earlier this week, we shared the good news that COVID-19 cases and positivity rates across the state and region had significantly decreased. These declines have continued, suggesting an end to the most recent surge caused by the omicron variant. More good news has come today from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), which relaxed mask recommendations for our region.
At this time, we are pleased to announce some changes to our health and safety guidelines that will allow us to return to a more open campus while also protecting the health of our community.
- Consistent with most other Michigan universities, we will relax some masking guidelines but continue to require masks in classrooms and laboratories for now. However, based on the most recent guidance from the CDC, beginning March 11, masks will be optional in other indoor public spaces and at small gatherings and meetings at the discretion and comfort of the participants. Masks are also optional at off-campus university events.
- Effective Tuesday, March 1, we will suspend the proof of vaccination requirements for campus visitors through the end of summer. We will continue to monitor data and revisit this requirement closer to fall.
- Vaccine and booster requirements remain in effect for students, faculty and staff for the winter, spring/summer and fall semesters.
- While during the surge we required approval of all indoor events and outdoor events larger than 20, beginning Tuesday, March 1, we will relax these restrictions. Only those indoor events of 50 or more and outdoor events of more than 100 will require approval from the Campus Health Committee.
- Throughout our return to campus, the Campus Daily Screener has been a vital tool for tracking cases and preventing further spread of COVID-19 within the campus community, and we will continue to use it to guide our response. When coming to campus, faculty, staff and students must continue to complete the Campus Daily Screener; visitors must use the Guest Campus Screener.
These changes make it possible for us to continue many in-person events and traditions, including our spring commencement ceremonies. We are also excited to announce that our Commencement Redux — an in-person celebration for those who previously graduated virtually — will be held this May in our new Wayne State Fieldhouse. More details will be available soon.
The Campus Health Committee will continue to monitor trends across the region and adjust our guidelines as appropriate. Please continue to monitor your email and the Wayne State coronavirus site for any updates.

Laurie M. Lauzon Clabo, PhD, RN, FAAN
Chair, Campus Health Committee
WSU Chief Health & Wellness Officer