October news
Grab yourself a warm beverage (spice optional) and check out what our office has coming up in October. Stay safe and warm out there! Coming up this month[New Faculty Series] University Registrar: Academic Policies
Successful Sabbaticals
[New Faculty Series] Title IX: What New Faculty Need to Know
Moving from Associate to Full: a workshop series for Associate Professors with tenure
The first session will be held at 11:30 a.m. on Wednesday, Oct. 26, at the Student Center. While we hope you will join us for all five sessions, we encourage you to attend as many as possible and register for the series even if you can't make the first session. We will create smaller cohorts of faculty at a similar stage in their career to promote collaboration, support, and networks, and the timing of the second session will be partly based on cohort availability. Workshop sessions will combine in-person and Zoom meetings and separate working cohort conversations.
Awards & grants for faculty and academic staffWe would like to share this year’s updated guidelines and deadlines for the Provost’s Office awards and grants. Please take a moment to review specific information and guidelines about the various awards and grants offered for faculty and academic staff. Fall deadline extended for the tenured faculty/academic staff w/ ESS Professional Development GrantThe professional development grant that provides funding for tenured faculty and academic staff with ESS has been extended to Monday, Oct. 31, 2022. The program provides funds from the AAUP-AFT collective bargaining agreement for these faculty and academic staff to engage in professional development activities, including but not limited to:
Coming up at the NCFDD14-Day Writing ChallengeAn opportunity to experiment with daily writing, online community, and supportive accountability, 10/17/2022 - 10/30/2022. Registration closes on October 12! Register for the 14-Day Writing Challenge How to Engage in Healthy Conflict2-3:30 p.m. Thursday, Oct. 13 Register for How to Engage in Healthy Conflict Exposing the Hidden Curriculum: Cultivating Structural and Systemic Change for Mid-Career Faculty Advancement2-3 p.m. Wednesday, Oct. 19, followed by a live Q&A Register for Exposing the Hidden Curriculum, |