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Office of Faculty Affairs and Development - Wayne State University

Who needs a break?

a person sits exhausted in a chair, with a low battery symbol hovering over their head

Yeah, all of us, literally everybody. Maybe you're rushing to finish grading or wrap up a project before the end of the year. Perhaps things are stressful at home, or you're working a little too much, finding it hard to say no, staring at those looming deadlines, and thinking how apt Collins Dictionary's word of the year is for 2022. 

Whatever the reason for the stress, when the time comes, remember to make the most of the break and recharge your batteries in the ways that work best for you. Rest comes in many forms, and you probably need a few different kinds at this point in the year. Rest, spend time with loved ones, check out a holiday market, read a book for fun, cook something, or whatever helps you unwind.

Also, remember: if you need help, Wayne State has partnered with Ulliance to provide counseling, support, coaching, and more with the Employee Assistance Program. Faculty can also contact the WSU GEARS FANs Faculty Family Advisors to discuss family leaves, caregiver support, tenure clock extensions, and other aspects of managing work/family/life circumstances.

We hope you have a safe, happy, and restful holiday break!

Academic Leadership Academy applications open

Wayne State University is committed to developing effective academic leaders. To this end, the Office of the Provost created the Academic Leadership Academy (ALA) to support the development of the leadership skills and capacity of WSU faculty and academic staff.

The ALA is a one-year program designed for full-time faculty and academic staff who have some knowledge and experience working toward the mission of WSU and in their areas of expertise and are prepared to build their capacity to be more effective leaders at WSU, in their disciplines, departments, schools/colleges/units, and/or communities, in either formal and informal leadership roles.

Apply for the 2023-24 ALA

Our office will host several Q&A sessions next semester if you want to join the ALA but would like to learn more. Stay tuned to our newsletter and infrequent emails for more details.

Applications open for the Academy of Teachers

The Academy of Teachers (AoT) is committed to promoting the shared value and culture of teaching excellence and student achievement at Wayne State University. Learn more about their charge, membership, and current members on their webpage. Applications are due Tuesday, Jan. 17, 2023.

Nominations are welcome but not required. Nominators must contact the nominee with sufficient time in advance of the application deadline because the nominee must apply on their own behalf. If the nominee agrees to apply, the nominator will provide a letter of support, and the candidate will submit a completed application. Nominating letters of support will be accepted from individual students, student groups, faculty, or staff members. 

Self-nominations are accepted and encouraged. More information, including example letters of interest, can be found on the AOT webpage

Apply to join the Academy of Teachers

Career Development Chair award deadline extended

The Office of the Provost will extend the 2023-24 Career Development Chair Award deadline to Friday, Jan. 20, 2023. Up to ten awards will be made as part of the University's program to support outstanding, tenured faculty members working toward promotion to Professor. More information about the program, application materials, and submission instructions can be found in our guidelines. Questions about this award can be forwarded to our office.

Coming up next year at NCFDD

Don't forget to make use of your free institutional membership with the National Center for Faculty Development and Diversity (NCFDD). We supplement our offerings with theirs to provide you with the support you need no matter what stage you're at in your career. Coming this spring, along with their core curriculum, they'll highlight the guest webinar lineup below: