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School of Medicine - Wayne State University

Dear Class,

Hope you had a great weekend!

Please find pertinent information about your current courses (Human Body Foundations 3, P4, SL, & CS) for the week of 2/6/23-2/10/23, and several important announcements including the Learning Coach Application being open, the CEC Clinical Placement Survey Deadline, word on the Key Dates Flyer for Segment 2, and the brand new Coaching program below:

Human Body Foundations 3 with Dr. Braun & Dr. Walker

We hope you have enjoyed learning about the endocrine system and the cranial cavity and brain after its removal. We also hope that you found your continued study of the central nervous system (CNS) interesting. Your second summative exam in the course is next Wednesday, February 8, 2023. After the exam, i.e., on Thursday and Friday, you will start learning about upper motor neuronal pathways and their effects on body movements. You'll also learn more details about the blood supply to the brain and how sensory and motor pathways are affected when a particular vessel is occluded.  There will also be a CNS pharmacovigilance session and a continuation of the Evidence-Based Medicine thread that you have been practicing in the M1 segment.  Here is information on the exam and the required active learning sessions for the sixth week of the course:

OPTIONAL- Faculty Pre-Exam Reviews (Virtual via Zoom) on Monday, February 6.  Please check the Canvas calendar for specific zoom meeting information for each session.  All sessions will be recorded and posted on Canvas.  Attendance is encouraged since there will be an opportunity to ask questions.

  • Histology with Dr. Braun- 9:30 am - 10:30 am
  • Gross Anatomy with Dr. Walker- 11:00 am - 12:00 pm
  • Neuroscience with Dr. Walker- 1:00 pm - 2:00 pm
  • Pharmacology with Faculty- 3:00 pm - 4:00 pm
  • Physiology with Dr. Leff- 4:00 pm - 5:00 pm

Summative Exam 2 on Wednesday, February 8 for all students as scheduled. There will be 100 multiple-choice questions. Please refer to the Canvas announcement for information on the exam blueprint.

On Thursday, you will resume your learning of new content about the central nervous system and continue your study of the principles of Evidence-Based Medicine. You will also be introduced to new gross anatomy content that focuses on different regions of the head encountered during subsequent dissection.  Here are the required active learning sessions for the sixth week of the course, as well as an optional EBM session:

  • Pharmacovigilance Session 06 (Virtual via Zoom) on Thursday, February 9 for GOLD groups 1:00 pm - 2:00 pm and GREEN groups 2:30 pm - 3:30 pm. The cases to be discussed will be posted just before the sessions in a Canvas Announcement.
  • Neuroscience Lab 06 (In-Person in the Scott Hall MD Labs) on Friday, February 10 for GREEN groups 9:00 am - 10:30 am and GOLD groups 10:30 am - 12:00 pm. Please prepare for this session by reviewing lectures 54-56 by Dr. Peduzzi-Nelson.
  • OPTIONAL- Evidence-Based Medicine Q&A Session (Virtual via Zoom) on Friday, February 10.  Dr. Benjamins will be available on Zoom from 1:30-2:30 pm to answer any questions you have on her EBM materials. Consult the Canvas calendar for the meeting invite.

Good luck on the exam on Wednesday!

P4 with Dr. Markowitz

The next scheduled P4-1C session will be Feb 16, 2023.  Enjoy your free Thursday morning on Feb 9! Unit 13 continues our discussion of issues related to the geriatric population, and delivering bad news.  

SL with Dr. Kaur & Dr. Nazer

  • Please submit your 2nd encounter and patient’s biography on the Seg1C Canvas course by February 15, using the posted templates.  Faculty will provide feedback by the end of February after that you may share the biography with your patient.  If you have problems contacting your patient first try by email, phone, and/or text.  If you still have a problem please reach out to Dr. Mendez at
  • The minimum volunteering clinical or a combination of mentoring outreach hours is two per month. Check the opportunities listed here (BSO Calendar)  Please report 5 Clinical and 2 Mentoring/Outreach hours in the Service Learning portal ( by February 26, 2023

OTHER Opportunities to submit abstracts to national conferences and long-term training:

  • Gerontological Society of America here 
  • Apply to become a MI LEND trainee here  

CS with Dr. Miller

This week there are no scheduled Clinical Skills sessions.  if you have not yet completed your Neuro session, materials are live on Canvas.  A few points:

  • This will be another follow up encounter.  Expect to collect and document the patient history section similar to the HEENT sessions.
  • The debrief of this session will serve as a final exam review .  I'll present an overview of what to expect and then a few SPs will be present to help you review any exam maneuvers you'd like to practice ahead of the final. 
  • Also, there's a discrepancy between the number of students who've taken the Trauma Informed Care pre and post assignment surveys.  If you forgot to complete the post assignment survey, please do so.  It will help me to assess your class performance, and also improve my instruction for future classes. Survey link, here
  • Finally, materials are also live on Canvas for the final assessment.  For the final, you will be randomly assigned to a case where you will be expected to perform an MSK & Derm, Cardiovascular & Respiratory, Abdominal, or HEENT exam.  Please email me if you'd like to be connected to an M4 coach to help you prepare.  Additional prep opportunities are forthcoming! 

Learning Coach Applications Now Open from Dr. Reid

Are you a passionate student leader? Do you have a desire to support your peers towards attaining academic success? If you answered, YES to either of these questions, consider partnering with the WSUSOM, Office of Learning and Teaching as a Near-Peer Learning Coach.

Near-Peer Learning Coach Program was created to ensure the long-range success students working in undergraduate medical education curricula by providing them access to highly-skilled tutors and facilitators.

The Office of Learning and Teaching is looking to collaborate with dedicated second-year medical students to carry out this service. Students participating in the Near-Peer Learning Coach Program will have the opportunity engage in longitudinal teaching opportunities being in their second year of medical school and culminating in the fourth year that leads to an IPETP Certification; six credit hours towards their degree upon completion the course competencies for MD4 8035, Directed Teaching in a Medical Education Environment, and a designation in their MSPE letter. Please see the attached job description for more information or to apply to the Near-Peer Learning Coach Program.

Clinical Experiential Course (CEC) Clinical Placement Survey from Dr. Williams

When you begin Segment 2 on April 10th, one new class you will be enrolled in the Clinical Experiential Course with Dr. Williams. This is a unique part of the curriculum at the WSUSOM, giving you clinical exposure while still being in the pre-clerkship phase.

Please make sure you have filled out the clinical placement survey, which was due this past Friday, the link is here.

Key Dates Flyer for Segment 2

Please find the Key Dates Flyer for Term 2A attached, 2 months prior to Segment 2 starting on 4/10/23.  

This contains all required events for your first term of Segment 2 (12 weeks), in addition to all exam dates, course lengths, term breaks and holidays for the entire 23/24 Academic Year.  We hope this allows you to better plan both your personal and academic obligations!

Please note that the first day of Segment 2 will be virtual (4/10/23), so hopefully this helps with travel arrangements, but you are expected to be in person on 4/11/23. Finally, First Aid textbooks will also be distributed in mid April 23 to the class.

Introduction to the Coaching Program

February 10th 12:15-1:15pm, Blue Lecture Hall

Dr. Maya Hammoud will be presenting the Pre-Clerkship Coaching Program that we are starting this spring! Dr. Hammoud is helping create and deliver a coaching program for WSUSOM students. She is the senior advisor for Medical Education Innovations at the American Medical Association (AMA) with a focus on coaching, authoring Coaching in Medical Education handbook and A Guide to Being a Good Coachee.

Coaching Program Information

  • Aims to support medical students through the development of the Master Adaptive Learner and professional identity formation through the M1 and M2 segments.
  • Coaches will guide student advancement through informed reflection, setting and identifying learning goals, and professional identity formation activities
  • Coaches will receive 5 faculty development sessions by national coaching leaders
  • Students will participate in 5 group and 5 individual coaching sessions

We are very excited to implement this program, coaching in medical education has shown improvements in academic performance, professional identity formation, leadership, and master adaptive learning skills. This program will allow students increased facetime with peers and clinical faculty throughout the coaching program. Please join Dr. Hammoud and our team in Person on Friday February 10th at 12:15pm in the Blue Lecture Hall for the Introduction to Coaching Session!

Wishing you all the best this week!

Best Regards,
Tapinder Singh