Summer Undergraduate Research Fellows (SURF)Apply by Friday, April 7, 2023, for the Summer Undergraduate Research Fellows (SURF) program in the Wayne State University Eugene Applebaum College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences. SURF students earn a stipend of approximately $6,750 for this 12-week program ($15/hour).
In addition to hands-on research mentoring by Wayne State faculty members, SURF students build camaraderie while exploring the city of Detroit. Applications must include a 200-300 word candidate statement, and two letters of recommendation are required. Undergraduate students from any college or university may apply.
A day in the life of SURFEach Monday through Thursday, SURF students work on an original research project in their mentor’s lab. Typically, these are independent projects within the larger scope of that lab’s goals, conducted under close supervision and guidance.
Each week, SURF students attend a special topics seminar presented by faculty members, with topics ranging from Training for a Research Career and Bibliographic Searching Techniques to Publication of Research Results. Various group activities keep things fun, including the annual Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences trip to Comerica Park for a Tigers game in July. The program concludes in early August.
ContactRandall L. Commissaris, Ph.D. |