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School of Medicine - Wayne State University

Dear students:

In addition to individual course grades in the first two segments, academic achievement is measured through end-of-segment scores, which are used to determine end-of-segment honors. The Wayne State University School of Medicine does not award honors for courses in the first two segments. End-of-segment scores are calculated using the average of the FINAL course percentages Human Disease Foundations I, II and III courses. For example, a student with final scores of 95.2% in HDF1, 89.4% in HDF2 and 92.5% in HDF3 will receive a segment 2 end-of-segment score of 92.17%. Please note that electives, P4, Service Learning, CEC and CSC are not used in the calculation of end-of-segment scores. Additionally, students' initial percent course score, prior to any exam retakes or course repeats, is used to calculate end-of-segment score. 

End-of-segment honors in the first two segments is awarded to students with an end-of-segment score that is one standard deviation or greater than the class mean. The class mean, standard deviation and end-of-segment score of individual students will be provided after the completion of the segment

Jason Booza, Ph.D
Assistant Dean of Continuous Quality Improvement and Compliance
Assistant Professor, Department of Family Medicine and Public Health Sciences
Wayne State University School of Medicine
Lande Building
550 E. Canfield, Suite 313
Detroit, MI 48201