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School of Medicine - Wayne State University

As first-year medical students, documentation of immunizations are a required pre-matriculation step for all students. In order to participate in the medical education program and co-curricular programs, a medical student must be compliant with the WSU School of Medicine health standards, which can be found here. It is ultimately the student’s responsibility to retain and produce copy of all documentation related to their immunizations.

M.D. Health Records would like to remind you to begin collecting all required immunization documentation as you will be asked to submit it starting in May. In addition, you must also complete the Health Certification Form and have it signed by your healthcare practitioner. Please do not forget to complete the Health Certification Form and attach it to your other immunization documentation.

You will be receiving more information on how and when to upload your immunization documents in the near future. For now, we suggest collecting this information and storing it in a personal drive or folder until submission is required. It is our goal to help prevent any delays as you matriculate into your first year of medical school, and you will not be allowed to register for classes until all immunization documentation has been submitted.

The Immunization Requirements Overview Video, found on our website, is a great place to start if you have questions regarding the School of Medicine’s Immunization Requirements. If you have any other questions or concerns as you complete these requirements, please reach out to

Thank you and have a great day!

Victoria Worthington, M.S.W.
M.D. Health Records/Enrollment Management 

James E. Blessman, M.D., M.P.H.
WSU Medical Health Officer
Assistant Professor, Department of Family Medicine and Public Health Sciences

320 E. Canfield Ave| Detroit, MI | 48201 | Office 322.13
313-577-0357 |