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Wellness Warriors - Wayne State University

Walking Club

Walking club is back in 2023! With the weather starting to warm up, our wellness coordinator Travis Van Dyke will be organizing a walking club on Tuesdays and Thursdays at 12:15. This will depend on the weather and will work similarly to the meditation sessions. If you would like a recurring zoom invitation for a reminder, please email for the invite. You may walk with the group or by yourself, but just get your steps in! We will meet at the intersection of Gilmour Mall and Gullen Mall near the flower beds outside of McGregor Memorial Conference Center. Hope to see you there!

Our first walk will be next Tuesday May 23rd!

Step Into Summer Challenge

Step into Summer

To coincide with our walking club, Ulliance is hosting another great walking challenge for the summer! This will be similar to last year's challenge and will consist of tracking your steps and submitting them on the well-being portal. Keep a lookout for more communications in the coming weeks and prepare for the challenge by attending Walking Club on Tuesday's and Thursday's!