Hello Class of 2027 and welcome to the School of Medicine!
The CastleBranch portal is now open, and you can begin uploading your immunization documenation as part of the matriculating steps for incoming medical students!
Below are instructions on how to create your account and begin submitting your immunization steps. Please read the steps carefully and use the attached resources to guide you through the process.
Keep in mind that if you have already sent your documenation via email, you must also upload it to the CastleBranch portal.
Please follow the steps below to set up your account and begin uploading your immunization documents.
You will receive an eVite via your WSU email account from CastleBranch <customerservice@castlebranch.com> including a link to place an order and create your account. You have 7 days to use the link to create your account.
Please have ready personal identifying information needed for security purposes.
You will use your 9- digit BANNER ID as the PIN to create your account. (ex. 00XXXXXXX) This number can be found on your OneCard.
There should only be one option for your program and package (WX53im). You will not need to pay for your account creation or order purchase as the Wayne State SOM will be purchasing the account on your behalf.
Please fill in your personal information to create your account. You will create your own password. Please use your Wayne State email address to create your account as this will be your username.
Once your account has been created, you can begin to complete your To-Do List by uploading your documentation to each listed requirement. You have the option to (1) upload from the Document Center, (2) upload directly from your computer or flash drive, or (3) you can fax your documenation to CastleBranch for processing using the cover page provided under each requirement.
Once your files have been uploaded, they will be processed by the CastleBranch team. Please check your CastleBranch account REGULARLY and follow up with any additional actions as prompted. If additional action is needed, such as revaccination or a second titer, CastleBranch will list these actions after initial submission.
Note: Your mark of “Compliance” is always temporary as some requirements expire or are to be renewed annually, as per SOM policy. (I.e. TDAP, Annual TB Screening Survey, Flu Shot)
Your documents will either be incomplete, pending, complete, or rejected. Documents that are pending are typically processed within 3-5 business days. There are times when a document may be rejected, either because it does not meet the review guidelines or because it is illegible. In these instances, the requirement will have a status of “Rejected” and the student will be responsible for replacing the documentation based on the reasoning.
After you complete the order process and create your account, you can log in to your account to monitor your order status, view your results, respond to alerts, and complete your requirements. To access your account, visit castlebranch.com and click Sign In – MYCB. Here you will enter your username and your secure password.
If you have questions in this process, please see the myCB FAQ Videos. Please also see the attached “Submitting Documents” and “studentsupportfaq” documents for further information.
Questions regarding the system itself (I.e., order processing, account creation, rejected items) should be directed to the CastleBranch Support Team. Questions, comments, and concerns regarding the use of the system or the SOM immunization requirements should be directed to MDHealthRecords@wayne.edu.
Contact CastleBranch at 888.914.7279 or servicedesk.cu@castlebranch.com
Helpful Hints to Navigate CastleBranch:
Files are restricted to 5 MB or smaller.
Documentation is reviewed by each individual requirement. Always upload supporting documentation to the identified requirement. Reviewers will not look elsewhere in your profile for supporting documentation.
Pay specific attention to what is being asked of you in the rejection or renewal notice.
CastleBranch should be your first line of contact when you have questions about a rejection notice.
All technical support is provided by CastleBranch.
Victoria Worthington, MSW
MD Health Records/Enrollment Management
James E. Blessman, MD, MPH
WSU Medical Health Officer
Assistant Professor, Department of Family Medicine and Public Health Sciences
320 E. Canfield Ave| Detroit, MI | 48201 | Office 322.13
313-577-0357 | MDHealthRecords@wayne.edu