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Wayne State University

Good afternoon students,

Did you know that Wayne State University Police & Campus Safety team has a Safewalk program that will allow you to safely navigate campus if you are alone after dark or if you feel unsafe? Simply call 313-577-2222 and officers will either monitor you by camera until you reach your destination or escort you personally across campus.

Wayne State Safewalk Program

WSU Police Safewalk Program

The Blue-light emergency phones conveniently located across campus both indoors and outdoors are also a direct line to WSUPD’s dispatch center and can be used to make free calls to on-campus telephones. Simply push the red “emergency” button on the front of the phone panel to be immediately connected to the dispatch center.

Blue-light emergency phones

Wayne Sate Campus Safety - Blue-light Emergency Phones


DeShaun D. Harris, MBA
Director of Medical Student Services
Wayne State University School of Medicine

540 E. Canfield | 1201 Scott Hall | Detroit | MI | 48201
(p): 313-577-1075/