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School of Medicine - Wayne State University

Dear Class of 2027, 


Thank you all for setting up your CastleBranch account in a timely manner! I wanted to follow up with some important deadlines and information as it relates to immunizations. 


First, the deadline for the submission of immunization documentation will be Friday, August 11th. We expect all of the requirements on your to-do list to be “complete” or “pending review” by this deadline, with exception to the influenza vaccine.  


Flu Requirement- 

Although the influenza vaccine is listed in CastleBranch as one of your current requirements, you do not have to submit documentation of a 2023 Flu shot until after September 1st, when the flu season begins. The School of Medicine flu vaccine deadline will be November 15th, 2023. More information regarding flu shot clinics will be sent out soon. For now, it is acceptable to leave this requirement as incomplete until the flu shot season begins.  



Ideally, all of your required vaccinations should have been completed prior to matriculation into the School of Medicine. We understand that some students will need revaccination and additional bloodwork in order to satisfy the titer requirements (Hep B, MMR, and Varicella). Therefore, we allow a grace period for those who need to revaccinate and receive additional bloodwork. You will not receive any disciplinary action for being in the process of a revaccination series or follow-up titer waiting period. However, to be granted the grace period, you must continually update your CastleBranch account throughout this process and all other requirements should be complete 


It should take approximately 2 months to fully revaccinate and prove immunity for MMR and Varicella. Since the Hepatitis B revaccination is typically timelier, you will have until February to complete this requirement prior to disciplinary action taking place. It is ultimately the student’s responsibility to follow the appropriate revaccination and titer timeline. You are required to upload any negative titer results and revaccination documentation to your portal and CastleBranch will prompt you on next steps.  


Campus Health Center- 

The Campus Health Center, located on main campus, is a resource for medical student to use to obtain their vaccines and blood work required as part of the M.D. program. Please visit their website or call to make an appointment.  


CastleBranch Rejected Documentation-  

If your documentation is rejected by the reviewers at CastleBranch, be sure to read the reasoning carefully and resubmit your documentation. The most common mistake we are seeing with rejected documentation is that students are not uploading their vaccination history along with the titer result. You must submit your vaccination proof and proof of immunity at the same time for it to be accepted.   


If you have any questions regarding the SOM Immunization Requirements, please reach out to Technical support and documentation questions should be directed to CastleBranch Support at 888.914.7279 or 


Please also see the initial email sent out regarding the launch of CastleBranch for additional resources including a link to CastleBranch FAQ questions.   





Victoria Worthington, MSW 

MD Health Records/Enrollment Management  

James E. Blessman, MD, MPH 

WSU Medical Health Officer 

Assistant Professor, Department of Family Medicine and Public Health Sciences 

320 E. Canfield Ave| Detroit, MI | 48201 | Office 322.13 
313-577-0357 |