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Office of Faculty Affairs and Development - Wayne State University

Fall's really here this time

City tram in Downtown Detroit, colorful fall foliage in the background

Welcome, colleagues, to November! Hopefully, the change in the seasons will bring wonder rather than consternation. With all the holidays and conferences coming up this month and next, our programming will be more sparse but just as helpful to our professional growth. See below for some upcoming sessions and deadline reminders. Photo by Leonid Andronov,

Coming up this month

students looking for books in the library, one standing, the other in a wheelchair

Intro to Student Disability Services

Join us at 2 p.m. on Wednesday, Nov. 8, for this informational seminar with Student Disability Services (SDS). During this session, faculty will see an overview of disability services, including SDS procedures, faculty and student rights & responsibilities, how faculty can support students with disabilities, and course accessibility. Representatives will also be available for a Q&A. This webinar is offered to support new faculty institutional familiarization, but all are welcome. This will be a virtual session.

RSVP for Intro to SDS (Zoom)

Accessibility 101a computer screen showing methods of making material accessible to people with different needs, such as captions for those with hearing loss and audible descriptions for those with visual impairment

In this introductory accessibility workshop at 1 p.m. on Tuesday, Nov. 14, you will learn how to employ accessibility to reach all your students and how to provide an equitable educational experience to everyone. We will focus on easy steps you will be able to implement right away to make your course more accessible: captions, alternative text for images, descriptive links, and more!

Thanks to Web Accessibility Coordinator Krystal Tosch for presenting this session. This webinar is offered to support new faculty institutional familiarization, but all are welcome. This will be a virtual session.

RSVP for Accessibility 101 (Zoom)

Upcoming deadlines

Save the date: Bystander Leadership Workshop

Save the date; RSVP link coming soon for the NSF WSU-GEARS Bystander Leadership Workshop: an all-day, skills-building workshop for WSU faculty and chairs. Join us  8:30 a.m.-4 p.m., Friday, Dec. 15, 2023, at the Student Center. Learn active bystander intervention techniques that interrupt instances of bullying, bias, and microaggressions.

Coming up at the NCFDD

2 p.m. Thursday, Nov. 9 | Register for How to Manage Stress, Rejection & the Haters in Your Midst

This session is designed to help individuals combat stress and negativity often associated with academic life, focusing on areas such as the rejection of grants and articles. It offers insights into the impact of untreated stress and teaches practical strategies for managing physical, emotional, and attitudinal stress effects.

2 p.m. Tuesday, Dec. 12 | Register for Supporting Academic Parents: Recommended Policies and Practices

This webinar takes a two-pronged approach to assist both (1) individual faculty members who are parents and (2) academic institutions in better supporting academic parents. This webinar will also provide evidence-based recommendations to help individual parents successfully navigate their academic careers and the tenure process while also presenting information that institutions and administrators can utilize to catalyze broader institutional change.