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Office of Faculty Affairs and Development - Wayne State University

Apply for professional development funds

the words Professional Development written on a chalkboard with colorful chalk, surrounded by doodles

Take note, tenured faculty and academic staff with ESS: the Provost's office deadline to apply for the Tenured Faculty Professional Development Program and the Academic Staff with ESS Professional Development Program is coming up at the end of next month, October 31. See some examples below for how you can use these AAUP-negotiated funds (not an exhaustive list).

What can you use these funds for?

The NCFDD Faculty Success Program

The National Center for Faculty Development and Diversity's (NCFDD) Faculty Success Program (FSP), or "boot camp," is a 12-week online program run every semester and over the summer, which helps non-tenure track, tenure-track, and tenured faculty with the skills necessary to increase research and writing productivity while maintaining a healthy work-life balance.

The Spring 2024 FSP program runs from Jan. 22 to March 31, 2024, and our institutional membership allows us to register faculty early and lock in lower pricing before regular registration begins, so if you already know that you would like to take part, contact our office by Friday, Oct. 13 to lock in a lower rate.

Workshops / Seminars

In-person or online workshops, seminars, conferences, or consultation sessions that develop new skills and enable professional growth in your specific area. Including, but not limited to: MIACADA, NACADA, NASFAA, ASCA, NOSS, NASPA, etc.


Training programs to increase knowledge, facility, and skill regarding diversity, inclusion, accessibility, and equity. Including, but not limited to, AAC&U Institutes, AHEAD, Coursera courses, etc.

Leadership development

Leadership development costs for programs including but not limited to those delivered by professional societies, Higher Education Resource Services (HERS), American Council on Education (ACE), Executive Leadership Academies (ELAM, ELATE), and costs associated with release time for Wayne State University’s Academic Leadership Academy, which is sponsored by the Office of the Provost.