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School of Medicine - Wayne State University

Dear students,

The Wayne State University School of Medicine takes academic integrity very seriously. As physicians, society will hold you to the highest professional standards. As medical students, we expect you to model these same professional values.

Prior to each exam, each of you attests to the school’s Oath of Academic Integrity (see below). You not only agree to hold yourself to the highest standards, but those of your peers as well. We are confident as a school that each of you aspires to keep this pledge. In order to assist you, we want to remind you that all examination policies and procedures must be followed at all times. Failure to follow them could result in a citation for irregular test taking behavior and disciplinary action.  Some unacceptable behaviors are obvious (e.g., looking at another student’s exam); however, others are less obvious. As a reminder, the following behaviors are not permitted:

  1. Bringing electronic devices into the exam rooms.
  2. Discussing exam details with classmates between exam sessions or after the exam.  This provides an unfair advantage to students. It also compromises the integrity of the process.
  3. Writing down notes on the dry erase board prior to the start of the exam, which is defined as when your individual exam is opened and the timer starts.

If you suspect that the integrity of the examination process is being compromised, please report it immediately via the following link:




As part of a community of medical students, I know that my instructors and fellow students have placed their trust in my academic and professional integrity. I recognize the importance of helping each other as we struggle.  Dishonesty within a medical school, however, affects not only the student, but also the reputation of the institution, and potentially our future patients.

In view of this, I hereby vow to pursue my studies with integrity and conscience. I will not accept dishonesty among my peers and pledge to honor that trust that my instructors and fellow classmates have placed in me.

As a future physician, my patients and colleagues will entrust to me the matters of a sensitive and confidential nature.  In some circumstances, their very lives will depend upon my integrity.  I will respect their faith in me and will maintain the level of dignity and honesty that medicine demands.   From this day forward, I will keep honor in this profession.



Jason C. Booza, PhD
Associate Dean of Continuous Quality Improvement and Compliance
Assistant Professor, Department of Family Medicine & Public Health Sciences
Wayne State University School of Medicine
Lande Building
550 E. Canfield, Suite 313
Detroit, MI 48201
(313) 577-3889