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School of Medicine - Wayne State University

Dear Students,

I hope you all had a strong start to the new year! With our Michigan Winter in full swing and the storm patterns forecasted in the next 24-48 hours, a brief reminder here that the Snow/Inclement weather policy is always posted on the Student Affairs e-KIOSK under: Quick reference School of Medicine policies. Pease take a few minutes to review the direct link here and give yourself extra time for commuting to campus and your sites:

Wayne State uses a broadcast messaging service to communicate safety alerts to the campus community. As members of the WSU community, you are automatically signed up to receive text and email notifications during an emergency. These alerts may communicate information about significant weather events, campus closures, emergency situations and more.

All the best to each of you for a productive and safe 2024.

Margit Chadwell, MD, FAAFP
Senior Associate Dean of Student Affairs and UME Initiatives
Associate Professor of Family Medicine & Public Health Sciences
Wayne State University School of Medicine, Class of ‘94
315 Mazurek Education Commons
320 E. Canfield, Detroit, MI 48201
Ph: 313-577-1463  Fax: 313-577-0361