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Wayne State University

Hello Class of 2026, 


With M3 orientation this week, the Office of MD Health Records wanted to share some vital information regarding the 2023 Fit Testing process. Our affiliated clinical training sites with infection control policies or respiratory protection programs (in compliance with the Federal OSHA Standard 29 CFR 1910.134) require the N95 Respirator. 


All students will participate in N95 Respirator Fit Testing at their home-base hospitals during the week of orientation. You should have received communication from your site on their process for the mask fit testing. When the fit test is completed, you must submit the documentation to Castle Branch prior to APRIL 1st. DO NOT email your fit testing documentation to MD Health Records as it will not be processed. If your fit testing proof is not submitted by this date, you will receive a registration hold on your account until the documentation is submitted.  


*For students whose home-base location is Henry Ford, accessing MyChart is necessary to obtain Fit Testing Documentation to submit to MD Health Records. Further instructions on accessing MyChart will be provided during orientation.  

*For students whose home-base location is DMC, a $50 fee will be required for mask fit testing, payable via cash, check, money order, or debit/credit card. Those paying by check or card must present photo identification. Cash payments must be the exact amount. This fee is non-reimbursable and due at the time of the Fit Test.  

Please note the following general guidelines for Fit Testing:  

  • Those with facial hair should be clean shaven. To ensure a proper fit for your mask, students cannot have any facial hair (or stubble) that will interfere with insuring a tight seal. As such, students with facial hair will not be fitted. 

  • Declination forms for exceptions should be processed with the respective site, as MD Health Records does not handle exceptions. However, all granted exceptions must still be sent to MD Health Records via Castle Branch for record-keeping throughout Clerkships.  

  • Refrain from consuming coffee, tea, fruit juice, chewing gum, donuts, candy, or any other sweets at least one hour before the fit testing session. 


Please do not hesitate to reach out to with any questions, comments, or concerns regarding this requirement.  Thank you for your attention in this matter! 

Victoria Worthington, MSW

MD Health Records/Enrollment Management 

James E. Blessman, MD, MPH

WSU Medical Health Officer

Assistant Professor, Department of Family Medicine and Public Health Sciences

320 E. Canfield Ave| Detroit, MI | 48201 | Office 322.13
313-577-0357 |