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From the President's Desk - Wayne State University

Dear Wayne State students, faculty, and staff, 

Academic operations were shifted to remote today because of public safety concerns at the encampment. It was a fluid situation throughout the day. During the morning, over 100 occupants were at the encampment. Walkways were sometimes blocked by crowds and small numbers of occupants challenged public safety and security. Later this afternoon, there was very little visible activity in that area.  

Wayne State University is committed to free speech and the right to peacefully protest. I have repeatedly offered to engage with students, while also emphasizing the need to dismantle the encampment. On Monday, despite my repeated offers, there were calls from occupants of the encampment for me to meet directly with students.  

So today I invited two students for an in-person meeting with me and Wayne State University Board of Governors Chair Shirley Stancato and Vice President of Government and Community Relations Patrick Lindsey. As I waited in the Student Center with Governor Stancato, VP Lindsey extended the invitation here. Unfortunately, the students declined to meet with me. Those conversations are here and here

Wayne State University is the most diverse campus in Michigan. We value diversity and inclusion, and we are responsible for ensuring the campus is welcoming and inclusive for everyone. For some in our community, the encampment has created an environment of exclusion – one where some felt unwelcome and unable to fully participate in campus life. This is another reason why the encampment must be dismantled. 


President Espy signature

Dr. Kimberly Andrews Espy