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From the President's Desk - Wayne State University

Dear Wayne State students, faculty, and staff, 

Today the encampment remains unchanged from yesterday, and as a result, the university will extend remote operations for Thursday, May 30. 

I have been reflecting on the events of the past week and reviewing messages from our pluralistic community in and outside of the university. One thing that strikes me is what brings us all to Wayne State University – our research mission to discover and disseminate new knowledge to advance our society’s progress. This inquiry process is what research universities like us do best – we gather facts, we question, we discuss and reexamine, and then we can move forward.  

To help share information and gather facts, today we published a new webpage that summarizes information on our endowment investments to inform our ongoing dialogue. Please take a look. This webpage will grow over time, as we add additional information that answers new questions. 


President Espy signature

Dr. Kimberly Andrews Espy