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Records, Registration & Scheduling - School of Medicine - Wayne State University

Greetings Class of 2025!   

As you begin preparing and submitting your application for residency, you will need an official copy of your medical school transcript. Prior to generating the transcript, carefully review your transcript for accuracy in Academica and note any apparent discrepancies.   

Also note that your transcript may include grades for electives completed in July 2024 (for two-thirds of you, one-third are still missing them). If your July 2024 grade is not yet posted, please delay making your request until it is. In addition, please inform the Office of Records and Registration if there are any discrepancies between grades posted in New Innovations and your transcript.  

To review your transcript, please follow these instructions:  

  1. Log in to Academica,   

  1. Click on Student Resources.  

  1. Click on Student Records.  

  1. Click on Transcripts – View.  

  1. In the drop-down box for Level, choose Medical.  

  1. In the drop-down box for Transcript Type, choose Advising Copy.  

To help facilitate a more streamlined and efficient process, we ask that you review the following:   

  • Are your Comprehensive Honors accurate? They will appear as a level comment in the Transcript Totals section of your transcript.  

  • Are your clerkship grades what you expected and match what is in New Innovations?   

  • In Years 1 and 2, grades in lectures and the associated labs match based on the published syllabus for each course.  

Note: In Years 1 and 2, individual course grades are S, S* or U. Receiving “Honors” was not possible in individual courses, however, students can earn Comprehensive Honors. In Year 3, it is possible to receive Comprehensive Honors as a distinction on your transcript.  

Once you have reviewed your transcript, you must complete the Transcript Release Authorization form by Friday, September 13, 2024 to provide feedback.  

You will have two choices, ready to be upload, or needs a review with an explanation.    

  • ready to be upload (Please upload my transcript as received.)  

If no changes are required, you may submit the form and upload your transcript about 5-7 days after receiving it.   

  • need a review with an explanation (Please review my transcript. (Explain below.))  

We will review your explanation, make any appropriate changes, and notify you upon completion. You can then review the transcript again in Academica. After your review, you can go back into your application and change the request from review to upload.   

Please note this is the only time you do not have to request an official transcript with the National Student Clearinghouse. Our office will process this transcript for you free of charge. To order your transcript for any other reason, there is a nominal charge.  

If you experience issues, or have any questions throughout this process, please do not hesitate to contact us at  

Thank you and we wish you all the best!  


WSUSOM Records, Registration and Scheduling 

Transcript Release Authorization