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Connect - Faculty Newsletter - School of Medicine - Wayne State University

Vol. 2, Issue 3
Aug. 26, 2024

Core Values and Opening Statement

Welcome to the sixth edition of our faculty newsletter, Connect. This triannual newsletter disseminates content for the faculty, from the faculty. Our goal is to update, inform and enrich our faculty community. Connect strives to contain links to resources, upcoming events and more. As we engage each day in the School of Medicine’s mission, we bring with us our core values to create and maintain a culture of mutual respect with a genuine awareness of belonging for all faculty. Send questions, comments, content ideas and faculty news to

Did you miss a previous issue of Connect? Find previous issues.


Meet – Microscopy, Imaging, and Cytometry Resources Core 

The Microscopy, Imaging and Cytometry Resources (MICR) Core opened in 1992.  MICR provides numerous services for analyzing sub-cellular structures, single cells, whole tissue and whole animal imaging.  Learn more about this shared resource from Director Kamiar Moin, Ph.D., and Associate Director Jessica Back, Ph.D., by reading more details at the bottom of this newsletter.

Kamiar Moin, Ph.D.
Kamiar Moin, Ph.D.


Kamiar Moin, Ph.D., Director

Department of Pharmacology
Wayne State University
School of Medicine





Jessica Back, Ph.D.
  Jessica Back, Ph.D.


Jessica Back, Ph.D., Associate Director

Research Associate
Flow Cytometry Specialist 





For more information about the core, also visit the MICR website.


New Faculty Hires

Welcome to our School of Medicine community! According to the Office of Faculty Affairs and Professional Development, these faculty have joined the Wayne State University School of Medicine since April 2024.


  • Craig Cole, M.D., Oncology
  • Derek Grayson, M.D., Neurology
  • Michal Halon, M.D., Neurology
  • Tanaz Salimnia, M.D., Internal Medicine
  • Julia Vander Weide, M.D., Psychiatry and Behavioral Neurosciences


  • Meser Ali, Ph.D., Oncology
  • Ricardo Bertolla, Ph.D., Obstetrics and Gynecology
  • Audrey Fu, Ph.D., Family Medicine/Center for Molecular Medicine and Genetics
  • Ulrike Klueh, Ph.D., Physiology
  • Yang Shi, Ph.D., Oncology

If you see them in the hallway, we hope you have a chance to say hello!


Have you heard...?

The National Institutes of Health is initiating a simplified review framework in 2025. This and new forms (Form I) will be required for applications with submission deadlines after Jan. 25, 2025. This includes most R series research grants, F series fellowships and T series training grants. Look also for a new biosketch and funding form next spring.


Coffee Hour 

Ready to connect with faculty? Our next coffee hour is Aug. 28, from 3 to 4:30 p.m.  in 1358 Scott Hall. Grab a coffee, meet colleagues, engage in casual conversation and Connect! 


Collaborative Resource  

Collaborations are challenging, especially when you don’t know each other’s expertise.  The Research Development Committee of the School of Medicine Faculty Senate has put together a resource, the Access the shared spreadsheet (requires AccessID login). Add or update your area of research and techniques to the list so School of Medicine faculty can find the skills that can help colleague advance each other’s research.


Meet – Microscopy, Imaging, and Cytometry Resources Core 

What are the major services your Core offers?
The Microscopy, Imaging and Cytometry Resources (MICR) Core provides instrumentation and expertise in flow cytometry, confocal and electron microscopy, and pre-clinical small animal imaging. The MICR website contains descriptions of the services we offer, instrument details, scheduling information, fees for services and contact information for MICR technical specialists.

What departments/divisions does your core serve?
MICR is a WSU core facility supported in part by an NIH center grant to the Barbara Ann Karmanos Cancer Institute (P30 CA22453) and an R50 grant to Dr. Moin (R50 CA251068-01). As such, we serve all researchers at WSU. Most of our users come from departments within the School of Medicine.

Who can utilize your cores/how do we find costs?
Anyone within WSU may utilize the MICR Core. We also support research projects from surrounding universities, institutions and companies. All our instruments are booked through the WSU iLab system. To book an instrument you must have a Wayne State billing Index number identified in iLab that will be billed directly at the end of the month. MICR specialists can acquire and analyze your data for you. We also offer training for all levels of research staff for independent operation of the instruments. More information about instrument rates and using iLab may be found on our website.

What new equipment or services have you recently brought online?
Over the last two years we have added several new, and updated some, existing technologies within the MICR Core.

Our most recent additions in the Microscopy laboratory include the acquisition of an Akoya PhenoImager HT 2.0 slide reader capable of imaging up to nine fluorophores on Formalin-Fixed Paraffin-Embedded tissue sections at single-cell resolution for spatial phenotyping. This instrument will be available for scheduling by mid- to late September. We have also acquired a Zeiss GeminiSEM 300 scanning electron microscope equipped with a 3View® ultramicrotome for serial block face imaging of biological samples. Our Electron Microscopy specialist performs sample preparation, image acquisition and image analysis as needed.

We have upgraded our in vivo imaging capabilities with the acquisition of an IVIS Spectrum CT capable of bioluminescence, fluorescence, brightfield and CT imaging of mice. We also have added photoacoustic imaging (fluorophores or other agents creating ultrasound signals) capabilities with the acquisition of the iThera RSOM for skin and iThera MSOT for whole-body studies.

What makes your core great?
We provide a large variety of instrumentation platforms, services and support for the scientific needs of the WSU research community. Our technical specialists can assist researchers with all aspects of their experimental design and execution. We continue to add instrumentation as research needs expand. If we don’t have the technologies you need, please reach out to the core directors (Drs. Moin and Back) so we may assess our options.

What makes your staff great?
Our technical specialists are all highly trained scientists with specific expertise in the technologies we support within the core. Because of this technical expertise they can accelerate the pace of research by helping users identify the best instrument for their needs, provide guidance and troubleshooting support related to experimental design, train researchers on instrument operation, and provide data acquisition and analysis support across all platforms.


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