Good morning Warrior Sites users! Coming soon, we'll be rolling out our first major update to Warrior Sites since its launch in 2018. This will include updating our current themes and introducing some new ones to freshen things up. During this update process, theme modifications such as colors, fonts and backgrounds will be restored to their original Wayne State branding (e.g., green, gold, etc.). We'll also be addressing any potential accessibility issues with images, contrast, etc. as they're identified. Although some of the theme customizations we've seen are very cool and unique, one of the primary goals of Warrior Sites is to reinforce the Wayne State brand identity uniformly across our web properties. Some of those design restrictions within the WordPress themes didn't hold up as planned, so this update will restore those original design frameworks. In short, the sites will revert to green and gold and WSU campus images again. All of the content itself will remain as is so no info will be lost here. I understand that many of you have put a lot of work into your Warrior Sites to make them special and valuable—which we appreciate—and apologize for any inconvenience regarding this update. If you have particular concerns or design needs, please let me know and I'll be happy to work through that with you during this transition. I'll be in touch again when these updates are ready for your website. All the best, Mel Mills |