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School of Medicine - Wayne State University

Dear Students,

As we finish out this calendar year, we may encounter the first Winter storms of the season. Regardless of university closures, as a medical school prioritizing clinical learning and patient care, we maintain discretion to make independent determinations for essential elements of the MD curriculum. Accordingly, all efforts will be made to maintain and model the duty, routines, and practices expected for physicians-in-training towards their profession, patients, and society.

As such, all core M3 Clerkships and Senior Clinical Rotations are pre-determined Essential Curricular Elements with sites expecting your attendance. For Segments 1& 2, continuation of curricular elements deemed essential during a University Closure, including examinations, will be determined by the respective Segment Directors and communicated out. The full WSUSOM inclement weather policy is linked here:  Pease take a few minutes to review it.

Also, Wayne State uses a broadcast messaging service to communicate safety alerts to the campus community. These alerts may communicate information about significant weather events, campus closures, emergency situations and more. Members of the WSU community are automatically signed up to receive text and email notifications during an emergency. There is no fee, although text message charges or per-message fees from your provider may apply.

You have our trust to exercise your best judgement as outlined in the policy- please review that and give yourself extra time as needed for a safe commute to campus and your clinical sites.

Margit Chadwell, MD, FAAFP
Senior Associate Dean of Students & UME Initiatives
Associate Professor of Family Medicine & Public Health Sciences/ABFM Diplomate

Office of Student Affairs & Career Development
315 Mazurek
320 E. Canfield
Detroit, MI 48201
Ph: 313-577-1463

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