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From the Dean’s Desk - Eugene Applebaum College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences - Wayne State University

Dear students,

I hope you all have heard by now that Wayne State University is scheduled to return to in-person instruction next Monday, Jan. 31, as communicated by President Wilson last Friday.

We look forward to seeing you all back in our classrooms, laboratories, clinics and buildings. I’m sure that some of you may have questions, a few of which we have addressed below. For further clarification, please plan to watch the university’s Campus Health Town Hall at this Thursday, Jan. 27, from 1-1:30 p.m. We will share a link to the recording on our homepage for those who aren’t able to tune in live.

A few key points:

  1. The university's mask mandate is still in effect — masks fully covering both nose and mouth are required inside all campus buildings. With research showing that cloth masks are less effective against the spread of omicron, KN95 masks are recommended. Please watch your WSU inbox for additional mask guidance from the Campus Health Committee, scheduled to arrive this week.
  2. Everyone is still required to complete the Campus Daily Screener each day before coming to campus.
  3. Classes will return to their original format. If your class was originally planned for online instruction, you will continue using that format. Classes that were originally planned to be in person will resume in person next Monday, Jan. 31. Contact your instructors for the most up-to-date information.
  4. It is at each instructor’s discretion to record their lectures or use a hybrid approach. Please do not assume that all classes will be recorded or available virtually.

If you haven’t already, consider bookmarking Wayne State’s coronavirus website, where you can find current requirements, previous communications, and links to complete the Campus Daily Screener and submit booster documentation.

Feel free to reach out to your instructors or preceptors if you have specific questions. As always, make sure to check your WSU email every day for updates.

Thank you — I look forward to seeing many of you next week!

Dean Cummings

Dean Brian Cummings signature